We are in the midst of week 3 of distance learning, and I’m so happy to report that, with every passing day, we are noticing improvement with the various applications we are using to support learning. Even more important is the engagement we are experiencing, as students, teachers and families share in this new learning experience. Thank you, Saint John's families, for supporting your children during this unique time in our lives. I understand that we are all figuring out the demands of working from home, maintaining a household and supporting our children in their learning. I'm even learning the skills to Podcast!
Fr. Tom's Wednesday Prayer:
Father Tom again is sharing a prayer this week, which has special meaning during Holy Week. Click Here!
As we are all in a “stay-at-home” environment. Here are three daily questions to ask yourself:
I miss our school community. Please tell your children “hello” from me, and that the staff and I are looking forward to celebrating with them when we are all reunited back at Saint John's!
Happy Easter!