I would like to wish a Happy New Year to our Saint John's Family! It is GREAT to have our classrooms filled with students again! As we enter 2021, we often create resolutions as this is a natural time to “reboot.” At Saint John’s, we take this time to reemphasize our philosophy of continuous improvement, and our goal of giving kids what they need, when they need it. We live these words each day as we constantly adjust our instruction to meet the needs of all kids in “real time.” What that means to us is that each day, we strive to deliver the best instruction, based on what our kids need. We believe that Saint John’s is a GREAT school because of this philosophy. In 2021, we continue our promise to meet the needs of each child, each day, so that they can reach their full potential! 2021 brings with it our continued commitment to your children!
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK: Catholic Schools Week is celebrated during the last week of January. This year, Catholic Schools Week will be celebrated from January 24-January 29.
What is Catholic Schools Week? Catholic Schools Week is a national celebration of Catholic education and an opportunity to recognize the importance, the value, and the contributions of Catholic education to the Church and the world.
An annual tradition that began in 1974, Catholic schools across the nation commemorate Catholic Schools Week with celebrations, Masses, open houses, and activities for students, families, parishioners, and community members. Catholic Schools Week events showcase and celebrate the rich traditions and the incredible value of Catholic education on both a local and national level.
We are excited for Bishop Cozzens to be speaking on-site prior to the 10:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, January 24 (more details to follow on logistics). The rest of the week includes activities, service projects, out of uniform days, just to name a few events. Additionally, we will unveil our Refer a Friend tuition opportunity. We will be providing a detailed calendar soon.
COVID UPDATE: We have a Trimester ahead of us that may get progressively less restrictive and lead to a new normal but will still require diligence. The protocol committee will be meeting to discuss possible changes based on the new
MDH decision tree. In the meantime, please continue to follow our current protocols, if your child has symptoms or will be absent from school, email
[email protected] and/or call 651-484-3038.
PRINCIPAL COFFEE TALK: I will continue hosting virtual coffee talks. These informal meetings are a great opportunity to talk about goals and decisions for the school, meet other parents, ask questions, and hear what questions others have. Please join me!
Parents in grades 3-5 will receive a google calendar invite..
IMPORTANT REMINDER-REGISTRATION: The enrollment fee is $100/family until January 29, 2021. As of January 30, 2021, the enrollment fee increases to $200/family. (If you have more than one student, you should only be assessed the enrollment fee on one child. If you get charged again for this, please reach out to Karla Schultz at
[email protected], and she can work with you on correcting that.) So, you will save $100/family if you enroll before January 30, 2021. You can re-enroll your student through your TADS account. If you have a new student, you will have to apply for admissions for the new student first.
AIM HIGHER: The Aim Higher 2021-22 scholarship application cycle is open! Families can now access the Aim Higher checkbox on the financial aid applications available in TADS. Please click
HERE for application process
SAINT JOHN’S FINANCIAL AID: Now is the time to apply for financial aid for next school year. Please click,
Financial Aid Available for information on financial aid. When you are ready to apply for financial aid, you will find the application in your TADS account. Please note, you are required to apply for AIM Higher to qualify for Financial Aid.
ATHLETICS: The CAA has approved hockey and basketball for our middle school winter sports this year. We will have our own hockey team! Jon Fox has volunteered to head coach, with support from Dan Theisen and Joey Severson: A HUGE thank you to Jon, Dan and Joey. Hockey games will begin the week of Jan. 18; stay tuned for word from our Athletic Director and Hockey Coaches as to how you can send your virtual school spirit! GO EAGLES!
JANUARY CALENDAR: January 8: School Spirit Wear Day
January 18: No School, Eagle Club Closed
January 25: Teacher In-Service-No School; Eagle Club sign-up
January 24-January 29: Catholic Schools Week.
Finally, on behalf of the Saint John's staff, thank you for your continued support of our students and the work we do for them. It is truly the community, parents, and staff partnering and working together which allows us to maintain the successes we have so long enjoyed here at Saint John's! As always if you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact a teacher or me directly. We are here to work together to provide the best possible education for your student!
Check out the great that is happening daily on our school
website and follow us on