Aim Higher Foundation – deadline is today, March 1, 2022.
More Scholarships. More Students. Stronger Schools.
Aim Higher has offered generous scholarships to many of our families. If you would like to apply for a scholarship for your family, applications are now open for the 2022-2023 school year. Find out more information on aimhigherfoundation.org and/or you can submit your tuition assistance application at mytads.com as per other years
DEADLINE APPROACHING - SAINT JOHN’S FINANCIAL AID for grades K-8, applications are due by March 15, 2022.
Now is the time to apply for financial aid for next school year. Completing your application early will ensure you are considered for the most aid we can offer to you based on your application results. You will find the application in your TADS account. Please note, you are required to apply for AIM Higher to qualify for Financial Aid. Your Financial Aid application must be in good standing in TADS before the committee will consider any aid for your family. This often takes a number of steps and following up with TADS to ensure everything gets processed, so it is imperative you stay on top of the process until you are in GOOD standing. Please reach out to Kathy LaCasse with any questions you may have [email protected].
2022-2023 School Calendar:
Here is the 2022 – 2023 calendar for your scheduling purposes. Please note items may change, so please always look to my newsletters and the school website calendar for updates throughout the school year.
Saint John School of Little Canada Parent-K-8 Student Handbook:
I would like families to review the uniform section of the handbook. The staff recently reviewed the handbook, as we are noticing an uptick in violations. As a reminder, students must come to school in appropriate uniform EVERY day, unless otherwise notified. Please do not hesitate to talk with your teacher or myself if you have questions or concerns. Uniform Policy starts page 11: Handbook
Schulze Early Learning Scholarship Program at the Catholic Schools Center of Excellence
The Catholic Schools Center of Excellence (CSCOE), in partnership with the Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation, presents the Schulze Early Learning Scholarship Program to help middle-income families gain access to excellent preschool programs for their children.
CSCOE and the Schulze Family Foundation firmly believe in and support the strength of the academic experience, the caring community and the spiritual development that is provided by the Catholic elementary schools.
Scholarships will be awarded ranging from $500 to $3000 and will be sent directly to the preschool to pay for tuition.
Applications are currently being accepted for the 2022-2023
The Schulze Early Learning Scholarship application will be online at schulzefamilyfoundation.org. Click on Early Learning Scholarships.
Vintage Gala:
The Gala committee is seeking sponsors, donations, and attendees. Check out our new website at https://e.givesmart.com/events/ooO/ to secure your tickets, be one of our elite sponsors, or donate an item from our wish list.
One of the silver linings of COVID is that we've seen unprecedented growth at our school. We know we can continue to provide excellent education to all of these new students in years to come, and we need your help to do so!
Please consider generously donating to our largest event of the year! Some of the monies raised at the Gala will contribute much needed financial aid to students and support one of the most influential programs we offer; Wilson Learning.
When you consider your annual giving, consider making a 100% tax-deductible donation to support the outstanding educators of our community; a school driven by excellence and committed to providing personalized holistic education to our future leaders.
Eucharistic Adoration is offered in the church from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. each Friday that school is in session.
We are proud of our school and look forward to more exciting things to come our way! Check out the great that is happening daily on our school website and follow us on Facebook.
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