Greetings! As Principal Hurley mentioned in his past two newsletters, next week (Jan. 24-29) is Catholic Schools Week. But what does that really mean to you as a parent? Here are some of the fun things to know:
Dress-up Days Tuesday-Friday Kids are allowed to be out-of-uniform every day next week, no Free Dress Pass required, provided they are following the theme of the day. See the CSW Theme Schedule. As ever, attire must be appropriate, meaning modest and free of any words or logos that promote hate or violence. Tuesday: PJ Day (ideas include PJs, robes, sleep masks, curlers, slippers, stuffies) Wednesday: Movie Day (ideas include characters from your class's movie; check-in with your teachers for more info!) Thursday: Art-tastic Day (ideas include berets, scarves, mustaches, paint palettes OR dressing like a famous piece of art, The Scream or Mona Lisa, anyone?) Friday: MN Game Day (No Packers allowed! All and any Minnesota sports jerseys, a MN symbol, buffalo-plaid, fishing hats/vests, skis the limit if it's a MN Sport) Parents can get involved by helping their kids plan their outfits each day, and take pictures to share with Saint John’s on Facebook.
Optional Hockey Night at the Fire Barn Given the pandemic, this is an unofficial event. However, since we have a hockey team this year, Principal Hurley has challenged them to a match. The Fire Barn rink is open to anyone (so it is not reserved just for Saint John’s), and the warming houses are closed, but we will have a couple of pre-packaged snacks, some portable fire pits and the fun of watching Principal Hurley play the kids in hockey from 6:00 to 7:30 PM.
Live-Stream Opportunities Sunday morning, Jan. 24: Bishop Andrew Cozzens: As part of Saint John’s Church formation efforts, Discipleship Sunday is a monthly series that includes free speakers, childcare and youth activities (all following pandemic protocols), and this month Discipleship Sunday conveniently coincides with Catholic Schools Week, which gives us the benefit of having Bishop Andrew Cozzens (the speaker this month) at our parish to kick off our week. His speech will be live streamed at 9:30 AM and the Mass itself at 10:30 AM, both on our Church’s Facebook page. Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 26: Wax Museum: Each year, Mrs. Souch gets her kids primed and ready to present a Wax Museum: Kids dress up and do research on a historic figure, then recite back the facts they have learned. Usually these are on display at Open House, but due to the pandemic, we’ve decided to live stream these wonderful presentations. Check out the Saint John’s School Facebook page on Tuesday afternoon. Thursday morning, Jan. 28: Art Fair: This year we are hosting an in-school Art Fair, which every student has had the opportunity to submit toward. We will do a virtual visit of this Art Fair on Thursday morning on the School Facebook page.
We hope you are able to join in the fun of Catholic Schools Week, even in this pandemic year.