2022-2023 School Calendar:
Here is the 2022 – 2023 calendar for your scheduling purposes. Please note that items may change, so please always look at my newsletters and the school website calendar for updates throughout the school year.
Saint John School of Little Canada Parent-K-8 Student Handbook:
I would like families to review the uniform section of the handbook. As a reminder, students must come to school in appropriate uniform EVERY day, unless otherwise notified. Please do not hesitate to talk with your teacher or me if you have questions or concerns. Uniform Policy starts page 11: Handbook
Eucharistic Adoration is offered in the church from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. each Friday that school is in session.
We are proud of our school and look forward to more exciting things coming our way! Check out the great that is happening daily on our school website and follow us on Facebook.
Tell a friend about Saint John’s School!
Dan J Hurley, Principal