This time of year, is when we start to get a lot of inquiries about our school and community. For the past 2 months, we have seen an increase in tours. YOU are a huge part of that interest as families tell me that you have been talking about how much you love the school. THANK YOU for continuing to promote our school, kids, and community. In our recent tours, these are the things families say they love seeing in our school:
Small class sizes with two sections
Engaging teachers
Social-emotional learning program
Dedication to the arts and music
How respectful our students are with each other and to teachers
Faith-filled curriculum
Tuition assistance opportunities from the parish
We see a variety of both public, private, and parochial (Catholic) school families who are looking at our school. Please keep promoting our school on the sidelines, on social media, and by word of mouth. Parent recommendations are the BEST marketing we could ask for! _____________________ Lenten Fish Dinner:
We are excited to announce our Fish Dinner this Friday, April 1, 4:30-6:30 PM both in-person in our School Gym. (proceeds benefit Men's Club)
Whether you are dining in, or taking out, enter through the south School Gym doors. Please select your planned time of arrival, especially if you are planning to take out..
What You Get: Each Fish Dinner includes pan-crusted whitefish, potatoes au gratin, crisp coleslaw and a dinner roll, at a price of $12/adult, $11/senior, $8/child or $35/family (minimum of four members, two of whom are adults).
BONUS: Add-on slices (or a whole!) of cheese pizza ($1.50/slice; $12/whole).
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER! ______________________ The Sun will come out guaranteed on April 2 & 3. Tickets are open to grab to see all of our #Eagles in this fabulous musical production this weekend! ______________________ Preschool Conferences:
Preschool parent-teacher spring conferences will be on Tuesday, April 26 and Thursday, April 28 in your preschooler's classroom. The conferences are an opportunity for you to speak with your child’s teacher about their academic progress. Do not miss this important opportunity to discuss your child’s overall performance and learn how you can assist your child at home. See links below for sign ups. If you have trouble with the sign up or need to change your sign up, please contact Kathy LaCasse at [email protected]. Tuesday, April 26
Thursday, April 28 ______________________ Vintage Gala:We will have one more classroom basket drop-off this Friday, April 1st with Student Council in the car pick-up line. Thank you again for your generous donations! We can't wait to see you under the circus tent! Check out our new website at to secure your tickets. Monies raised at the Gala will contribute much-needed financial aid to students and support one of the most influential programs we offer; Wilson Learning. ______________________ Important Spring Sports Updates: Believe it or not, our next season of Athletics is just around the corner! Our deadline to register for spring sports is Wednesday, March 30; all forms must be filled out to confirm which sport(s) your athlete will be participating in this season (direct link here).
Additionally, there is a Mandatory Athletes/Parents Meeting: 6:30 PM Thursday, March 31, in the Gathering Space (in person preferred; please inquire with Athletics Director Laura Haraldson ([email protected]) if you absolutely need a virtual option). ______________________ March Calendar: March 30: Archbishop Hebda presided at all-school Mass, 9:10 a.m. All are welcome to attend! ______________________ April Calendar: April 1: School Spirit Wear Day April 5: School Advisory Board Meeting: 5:00 pm, School Library April 7: Preschool Mom's Night: 6:00pm-School Gym April 12: K-8 Talent Show: 1:30pm-School Gym April 15: No School Good Friday (Eagle Club Closed) April 18: No School Easter Monday (Eagle Club Closed) April 22: No School, School Gala: 5:00pm (Eagle Club open if 10 kids sign up, look for sign up soon) April 24: Easter Egg Hunt: 11:30am-(Meet in Gathering Space) April 26: Preschool Conferences: 3:45pm-Teacher classrooms April 28: Preschool Conferences: 3:45pm-Teacher classrooms April 30: Pancake Breakfast: 9:00am-12:00pm-School Cafeteria. ______________________ ______________________ Young Rembrandts Spring Art: We are adding another session of Young Rembrandts, due to popular demand! Favorite Apps and Games: Thursdays (March 31-April 28, 3:35 pm-4:35 pm) Spring Art: Wednesdays (March 30-April 27, 3:35 pm-4:35 pm)
The classes fill up fast, sign up today! ______________________ 2022-2023 School Calendar: Here is the 2022 – 2023 calendar for your scheduling purposes. Please note items may change, so please always look to my newsletters and the school website calendar for updates throughout the school year. ______________________ Saint John School of Little Canada Parent-K-8 Student Handbook: I would like families to review the uniform section of the handbook. The staff recently reviewed the handbook, as we are noticing an uptick in violations. As a reminder, students must come to school in appropriate uniform EVERY day, unless otherwise notified. Please do not hesitate to talk with your teacher or me if you have questions or concerns. Uniform Policy starts page 11: Handbook ______________________ ADORATION AT SAINT JOHN’S: Eucharistic Adoration is offered in the church from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. each Friday that school is in session. _______________________ Save These Dates for Family Fun in our Parish Some of you may not be aware of the regular family-oriented events hosted here at Saint John's Community on the weekends. These gatherings are often called Discipleship Sunday, and here are a couple of the upcoming items of note:
Sunday, April 24, 11:30 AM: Easter Egg Hunt | Gathering Space Circle (outdoors) See and for more details. ______________________ We are proud of our school and look forward to more exciting things coming our way! Check out the great that is happening daily on our school website and follow us on Facebook.
Tell a friend about Saint John’s School! Dan J Hurley, Principal