First, I must take this opportunity to congratulate our students on their entertaining performance of Annie Jr. over the weekend at Totino Grace. These students started practicing at Saint John’s in January! It was the first time six catholic schools in our area collaborated on a theater production. Our students (Zoe T., Lyssa L., Carolina H., Ella H., Lucy C., Anna M., Katie G., Lileyna G., and Marie S.) along with other students from St. Jerome, St. Peter of North St. Paul, Presentation, St. Rose, and Frassati Catholic Academy did a fantastic job. A special thank you to CSCOE who sponsored this play.
We continue the excitementwith the Saint John’s Gala on April 22! This will be a night to remember - enjoying a delicious dinner, visiting with parents, parishioners, and the community, and hopefully winning lots of fun items. This year, our school gym will turn into a Circus themed event, and the plans for the night will be something you do not want to miss! The best thing about the Gala is the support for our students and our Saint John’s community. We hope to see our "circus tent" filled with all of you celebrating our school.
The purpose of the Gala is to raise funds to support vital operations at our school including our flagship program, Wilson Learning Systems for struggling readers, tuition assistance, and the school’s operating funds. In 2021, the Saint John’s community raised $120,00 at this event! $50,000 of the total amount went directly to tuition assistance, which helped our student enrollment grow by 46%!
The planning and coordination of the Gala started in summer 2021! We are grateful for all parents, parishioners, businesses, and community members, who donated auction items and purchased raffle tickets. This Gala will be without doubt the best event in recent history!
The support of our community is one of the reasons I love Saint John’s. I invite you to join me on Friday, April 22 at 5:00 p.m. Help us make this the most successful night ever for our students! Please visit to secure your tickets and donate today! Thank you for your support of Saint John’s. _____________________ Eagle Emporium-Talent Show-April 12 1:30 pm-2:30 pm in the school gym: We want to get teachers, students, and parents excited for the Vintage Circus Gala on April 22. Enter the Eagle Emporium Day, which is Tuesday, April 12. This day aims to garnish excitement with the students for the largest fundraiser of our school year. This year’s Eagle Emporium starts in style. We want to see your best outfits inspired by your assigned circus theme. Below is the assigned circus noun for each grade. Let’s show the teachers how much of a circus Saint John’s can be and come fully dressed for the circus. Next up, vote for your favorite teacher in the morning in the gathering space Friday, April 8-12. Each vote is 25 cents. The most favorite Ringmaster/Teacher of Saint John’s school gets a gift card, bragging rights, and their class wins an ice cream party! Lastly, we cordially invite you all to attend the circus “sideshow” known as the Eagle Emporium Talent Show. This talent show will be an informal event: each student can choose to showcase their talents in front of the entire school. We welcome all parents, grandparents, and friends to join us on April 12 from 1:30-2:30 p.m. to cheer them on.
April Calendar: April 5: School Advisory Board Meeting: 5:00 pm, School Library April 7: Preschool Mom's Night: 6:00 pm - School Gym April 12: K-8 Talent Show: 1:30pm - School Gym April 15: No School Good Friday (Eagle Club Closed)April 18: No School Easter Monday (Eagle Club Closed) April 22: No School (Eagle Club open if 10 kids sign up, look for signing up soon) April 22: School Gala: 5:00pm April 24: Easter Egg Hunt: 11:30 am-(Meet in Gathering Space) April 26: Preschool Conferences: 3:45pm-Teacher classrooms April 28: Preschool Conferences: 3:45pm-Teacher classrooms ______________________ _____________________ Family Fun in our Parish Sunday, April 24, 11:30 AM: Easter Egg Hunt | Gathering Space Circle (outdoors) See and for more details. _____________________ Raffle Sales This year, the Vintage gala is raffling off one full-year tuition totaling $5,145 and $500 cash. This is an optional fundraiser for the students to participate in however, we are asking that each student do their best to sell 5 tickets. For each 5 raffle tickets they sell, the student will receive one dress pass. The top seller will receive custom school spirit swag and recognition within the school. The Gala committee sent home raffle tickets pre-order forms last week and the forms and packets are due April 12, 2022. The Gala committee will fill out the tickets at school and send the filled-out tickets back home before the live drawing at the Gala at 9 pm. _____________________ 2022-2023 School Calendar: Here is the 2022 – 2023 calendar for your scheduling purposes. Please note that items may change, so please always look to my newsletters and the school website calendar for updates throughout the school year. ______________________ Saint John School of Little Canada Parent-K-8 Student Handbook: I would like families to review the uniform section of the handbook. The staff recently reviewed the handbook, as we are noticing an uptick in violations. As a reminder, students must come to school in appropriate uniform EVERY day, unless otherwise notified. Please do not hesitate to talk with your teacher or me if you have questions or concerns. Uniform Policy starts page 11: Handbook ____________________ ADORATION AT SAINT JOHN’S: Eucharistic Adoration is offered in the church from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. each Friday that school is in session. We are proud of our school and look forward to more exciting things coming our way! Check out the great that is happening daily on our school website and follow us on Facebook. ______________________ Preschool Conferences: Preschool parent-teacher spring conferences will be on Tuesday, April 26 and Thursday, April 28 in your preschooler's classroom. The conferences are an opportunity for you to speak with your child’s teacher about their academic progress. Do not miss this important opportunity to discuss your child’s overall performance and learn how you can assist your child at home. See links below for sign ups. If you have trouble with the sign up or need to change your sign up, please contact Kathy LaCasse at [email protected]. Tuesday, April 26